Wednesday 18 November 2009

Factory Outlets For Fitness Equipent

If you're looking for fitness equipment treadmills can be purchased from some factory outlets who supply a range of gym and home fitness equipment ranging from Treadmills and Cross Trainers to Rowing Machines and Exercise Bikes.

Running machines are among the most popular types of fitness equipment along with ab fitness equipment.

Exercise cycles are the ideal cardiovascular fitness equipment for many people who have limited time to access a gym.

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Rules For Testing Your Fitness

The most currently inept fitness training enthusiast can outline his own testing program by using some of the following rules:

Measure areas relevant to your own recreational activity.
If you use a bicycle, time yourself once in a while over the same route. Do not think that a certain number of deep knee bends will greatly improve your ability to pitch a pup tent.

Always test yourself under the same conditions.
Time of day, mood, weather, recent sleeping habits, and many other factors should be as similar as possible.

Measure for greater endurance.
If you are now able to use your cross trainer for 21 minutes, see if you can up this to 22 minutes. Or if you are weight-lifting 20 pounds ten times, see if you can press eleven times.

Measure for greater strength.
If you are now completing six laps of the pool in 21 minutes, how about six and a half laps in the same time? If you are now pressing 20 pounds ten times, how about 25 pounds ten times?

Measure your own improvement.
Fitness tests should not compare one sportsman with another or be used on a one-shot basis. Repeated evaluations are the key to good fitness tests.
They should be used as a guide for the individual sportsman in his evaluation of self-improvement.
In fact, most sportsmen know their general condition without ever resorting to formal testing.

If you are seeking general fitness, then devise over-all tests. Fitness should be total and not restricted to one area of the body. A hard workout for the legs without paying some attention to the arms. In testing yourself, test arms, trunk, and legs.

Make the goals simple
Give yourself enough to accomplish in a few weeks—or you will go stale and lose interest.
A fifty-year-old executive who has been sedentary for twenty years may find a single push-up impossible. It might take him six discouraging months to be able to do two.
Using some home fitness equipment with regulated goals will help him move forward in a constructive and rewarding way

If the above suggestions are incorporated into your own program of fitness evaluation, more technically scientific methods are unnecessary. However, properly understood, these tests do have value. Perhaps you may wish to adapt portions of them for yourself.

Fitness Training Strongly Advised.

In my experience it's never wise to advise a person that his goal in fitness should be to satisfy the people who have devised any given set of capabilities.

This is not because I do not strongly advocate participation in any and all forms of physical exercise and workout.

All types of fitness training, be they weight training or fitness equipment, must be predicated on the needs of and advantages to the individual.

This is also true of the home gym.

Monday 16 November 2009

Ways To Determine Your Own Level Of Fitness

Ways To Determine Your Owns Level Of Fitness

Fitness is individual.
A person knows that he is or is not in shape.
He also knows the various degrees of his own fitness. Or he can define his fitness in terms of others of similar age and state of health.

He may be proud that he is the only fellow on the block who can go cycling for the afternoon, climb three flights of stairs without panting, and shovel his own driveway.
And by this comparison he knows if he enjoys normal fitness, which is indeed rare, or only average fitness, which, as Selective Service has demonstrated, is appallingly poor.

There is a tendency to be too scientifically sophisticated in appraisals of fitness for people after college years. Why make things overly difficult? Either you are in good shape—for you—or you are not.

That is easy for you to decide